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New pages and updates for Jon Rose

The Singing Telegraph project continues its cultural reconciliation with recent additions of video, sound, and images here.
A Violin Bow for John Cage reveals a recent and rare audio document here.
Whistling in the Dark presents new bird and human collaborations here.

Jon Rose via The Australian Music Centre

This website is nearly 30 years old! The new site is getting over 52,000 visitors annually. The old site (containing some gems!) can still be accessed at JonRoseWeb Archive

For 45 years Jon Rose has been creating a unique body of work, almost everything imaginable on, with, and about the VIOLIN. Working with many of the significant pioneers of new music, he has appeared on over 90 CDs and LPs and performs in some 25 countries. He is a recognised virtuoso in improvisation, a composer specialised in writing works for strings, orchestras, and live sampling, a pioneer in environmental works, an innovator in interactive electronics and he has also built over 20 experimental violin instruments and composed over 30 radiophonic works.

In 2012 The Music Board of The Australia Council honored Jon Rose with its most prestigious award for life time achievement, The Don Banks Prize. AND The blockbuster 4 CD Box set ROSIN to celebrate Jon's 60th Birthday (a little late) is still available complete with signed used bow hair, data disc, and extensive booklet!

For 2017, Jon was composer in residence at The Peggy Glanville-Hicks House.

June 2018 saw Jon Rose and partner Hollis Taylor in residence at the remote Aboriginal community of Warmun, Western Australia, developing a violin project with the local Gija school kids. Check out what 20 cheap Chinese violins can sound like after 3 weeks with The Wild Violins of Warmun

The international Magazine for new music Contemporary Music Review has devoted an entire issue to JON ROSE: THE ROSENBERG MUSEUM Volume 37, 2018. Print ISSN 0749-4467, Online 1477-2256

The Online version is the better bet as there is a colour section and links to videos... however you have to be an academic in an institution to get access...such is the world.

For the first and only time in Melbourne; The Substation presented - Violin Generator - 4th- 13th April 2019. If you missed it, you'll never know ...

The Rosenberg Museum is the creation of violinist, composer, artist, inventor, Jon Rose and houses over 1000 artefacts of violin iconography - a cabinet of curiosities highlighting the musically perverse, historically twisted, culturally critical, and politically charged.

And here are the links to Dr Rosenberg's Wunderkammer in 2018 and in The Museum Goes Live in 2016.

Post Covid activities include the continuing partnership with Hollis Taylor in Night Songs, a new collaboration with composer Cathy Milliken in Rock, Paper, Scissors, and the world premier of BEAK for The Kronos Quartet at The Adelaide Festival 2023.

What's New

December 2024
'Jon Rose Archive' - new on Bandcamp with recently recovered recordings from earlier decades, featuring Violin Factory 1999, Great Fences of Australia 2002, Slawterhaus 1992, Temperaments 2009, Hyperstring @ Roulette 2000, Ostertag/Hemingway/Rose 2010/16, Bailey/Lovens/Rose@Podewil 1992.
Vienna, Outback Australia, Salzburg, England, New York, Berlin, Wels.
October 2024
'A Violin Bow for John Cage' - new interactive works based on a recording lost for over 20 years, featuring an interview with Cage from 1988 on the subject of the violin. On line here.
New York, Alice Springs
November 2024-5
'The Singing Telegraph' - an intervention into the history of the Overland Telegraph which stretched uninvited over the land of the Kaytetye people. Working with the Tara Community, this on going project incorporates ancient, colonial, and modern technologies and languages with new music and multi-media outcomes here
Tara, Northern Territory
March 2024
'Night Songs' celebrates an interspecies multi-media engagement between the ancient music of a uniquely Australian songbird - Cracticus nigrogularis (the Pied Butcherbird) and Australia's premiere new music group Ensemble Offspring. Documentation here.
The Adelaide Festival
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