- Written and performed by Jon Rose
- Actors - Irina Wanka (angel 1), Almut Henkel (angel 2), Susanne Walter-Freyler (singer), Jutta Hans, Michael Thomas
- Technical production - Ulrich Speicher, Winfried Götzinger, Gisela Jahr
- Direction for SR Stefan Dutt
- Translation - Michel Bodmer
- Produced for Saarländischer Rundfunk in 1991 who entered it for a radio competition in Japan. The report came back very critical of the piece "we expected something more serious from the Germans with a hörspiel about Mozart" they said.
(On this extract) Mozart dies, gets buried as you can hear, and logically enough ends up in Heaven where everything is perfect, instant gratification of all desires including his passion for billiards and bird catchers. There is a job description however (as pointed out by one of his angel assistants) - "Oh one thing. It's really the only professional requirement concerning your engagement here. As you are probably aware, we all play the violin in heaven - some of us double up on harp, but the violin is our main performance instrument. Indeed some angels do very little else with their time except scrape away with a sublime smile on their faces. And you can imagine how much violin music is required to keep the millions of heavenly creatures satisfied? Get my drift? That's where you come in - we need literally light years of perfect violin music. Like another suck on my tits? There you are."
And so the mediocre scum that controlled the arts in Mozart's day are still running things today as they dig up and sell old Wolfgang's 250th birthday for all its tacky worth