ABC 1994
Radio inside a Violin: A gift to Jon Rose by the marketing department of WDR Cologne
  • Recorded in China in November 1994 by Jon Rose
  • Edited together for John Crawford's NMA show on the ABC
  • Er-hu, violin, 19 string cello, played by Jon Rose
  • Extract featuring a speech by Deng Xiaoping from the original 56'50" radiophonic work

A sonic panorama of China in transition, featuring millions of bicycles, musical arrangements of speeches from Mao and Deng Xiou Ping, the Er-hu (Chinese two string violin) playing key copiers who live in a cardboard box on the streets of Beijing, a flu epidemic, a visit to the people's instrument factory (big on Yang Quins), a Chinese lesson for dumb foreigner (me), lots of fireworks, a political commentary on the great success of CD and video pirating and the future collapse of capitalism.

What's New

December 2024
'Jon Rose Archive' - new on Bandcamp with recently recovered recordings from earlier decades, featuring Violin Factory 1999, Great Fences of Australia 2002, Slawterhaus 1992, Temperaments 2009, Hyperstring @ Roulette 2000, Ostertag/Hemingway/Rose 2010/16, Bailey/Lovens/Rose@Podewil 1992.
Vienna, Outback Australia, Salzburg, England, New York, Berlin, Wels.
October 2024
'A Violin Bow for John Cage' - new interactive works based on a recording lost for over 20 years, featuring an interview with Cage from 1988 on the subject of the violin. On line here.
New York, Alice Springs
November 2024-5
'The Singing Telegraph' - an intervention into the history of the Overland Telegraph which stretched uninvited over the land of the Kaytetye people. Working with the Tara Community, this on going project incorporates ancient, colonial, and modern technologies and languages with new music and multi-media outcomes here
Tara, Northern Territory
March 2024
'Night Songs' celebrates an interspecies multi-media engagement between the ancient music of a uniquely Australian songbird - Cracticus nigrogularis (the Pied Butcherbird) and Australia's premiere new music group Ensemble Offspring. Documentation here.
The Adelaide Festival
Latest Stuff
website by jos berkers