Fringe Benefits 1977-1985

Turn on/off the embedded sound. Album title: Fringe Benefits 1977-85 - Track title: Simone de Haan and Jon Rose Duo 6/8/1984
TitleFringe Benefits 1977-1985
ArtistsJon Rose, Martin Wesley Smith, Kendal Country, Joe 'Doc' Rosenberg, Michael Sheridan, Brahms, John Gillies, Rik Rue, Tony Hobbs, Simone de Haan, Dave Ellis, Serge Ermoll, Louis Burdett, The Canberra School of Music Junior Orchestra, Greg Kingston, Adrian Keenan, Peter Kelly, Torsten Müller, Richard Vella, Jeff Wagner, Jamie Fielding, Jim Denley
LabelEntropy Stereo, USA
Fascinating archives of experimental relative violins, environmental recordings and improvised music from Australia 1977-1985. Entropy
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